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Overview of the ProgramĀ 

As a youth-led organization, we have created a dynamic platform where young individuals can freely express their ideas and thoughts. Our latest endeavour is the launch of an inter-religious dialogue program in Sri Lanka, aimed at fostering social harmony and religious coexistence among the youth. At this crucial time, when Sri Lanka stands as a multi-religious society, building trust among different religious groups is imperative for peaceful coexistence. Our proposed program aims to achieve this by engaging the youth community in dialogue and nurturing a mindset of religious freedom and mutual respect.
Embarking on Dialogue
Dialogue, the art of conversation and discussion among two or more individuals, serves as a powerful tool for exchanging information, ideas, opinions, and feelings. It unfolds in diverse settings, ranging from personal interactions and group meetings to interviews, negotiations, and storytelling. Effective dialogue requires active listening, empathy, and respect for differing perspectives. It plays a pivotal role in building relationships, resolving conflicts, and promoting understanding. In the realm of literature, dialogue assumes a central role in storytelling, allowing characters to interact and reveal their personalities, motivations, and relationships.
Objectives: Bridging Divides, Building Trust
The project carries a multitude of objectives, including bringing youth representing different religions to a common platform, fostering inter-religious trust and brotherhood among them, cultivating positive personal and collective behaviour, empowering participants to become catalysts for dialogue within society, nurturing mental and personal qualities, developing leadership skills, mobilizing the community for religious harmony, and raising awareness of the significance of inter-religious dialogue among youth and the wider community through innovative social media channels. The ultimate aim is to eradicate religious extremism, violence, and terrorism. The anticipated outcomes encompass a more harmonious society, a deep understanding of religious diversity, and the cultivation of leadership qualities among the youth.
Innovative Format and Structure
The Interfaith Dialogue Circle is designed to provide a safe and respectful environment that fosters open communication and mutual understanding among participants. By creating a supportive structure, we ensure that everyone feels comfortable and encouraged to share their perspectives.
Engaging Topics
Our program covers a diverse range of thought-provoking topics, including the essence of dialogue itself, the distinction between interfaith and intra-faith dialogue, techniques for creating safe spaces, building interpersonal trust and recognizing identity, exploring values and perspectives related to interfaith dialogue, the art of active listening at three levels, the compelling reasons why interfaith dialogue is indispensable, and understanding the importance of an Interfaith Dialogue Circle.
Target Audience: Building Bridges Across Communities
Our project targets a wide array of individuals, including Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Christian, and Catholic youth, as well as followers of respective religions, religious leaders, social media activists, and the community as a whole. Engaging the youth in inter-religious dialogue holds the potential to foster religious trust and promote social leadership, ultimately leading to a peaceful society that transcends religious violence.
Benefits: Cultivating Peace and Understanding
Through the Interfaith Dialogue Circle, we envision promoting interfaith dialogue and fostering understanding throughout Sri Lanka. By establishing a sustainable network of interfaith dialogue circles, we strive to lay the foundation for lasting peace and comprehension, which will have a positive impact on the broader community. Furthermore, we aim to inspire similar initiatives in other regions, both within Sri Lanka and beyond, to create a widespread movement that promotes interfaith dialogue and understanding.
The International Youth Alliance for Peace (IYAP) is an organization dedicated to providing platforms for young people to express their ideas and thoughts. As we continually explore different avenues of engagement, we have recognized the importance of connecting with religious leaders and young individuals to foster understanding and harmony. This realization led us to ideate and launch our latest project: an inter-religious dialogue program in Sri Lanka.
The Project’s Inception:
After years of working across various platforms and initiatives, we at IYAP decided it was the opportune moment to bring together religious leaders and young people in a bi-weekly dialogue program. This project was conceptualized as a way to bridge the gap between different religious communities and promote peaceful coexistence. In February 2023, we embarked on this journey, with the aim of continuing until December 2023.
Dynamic Leadership and Sessions:
The sessions for the interfaith dialogue program will be held physically at our office, guided by the expertise and wisdom of a Buddhist monk, Venerable Moragoda, and our energetic Lead intern, Ms. Panchali. This unique combination of spiritual guidance and youthful energy will provide participants with a balanced and enriching experience.
Application and Session Updates:
To ensure a seamless and organized process, we have developed an application for participants to register and stay updated on the program’s activities. The application will be regularly updated with session details, discussion topics, and any relevant information. This allows participants to actively engage with the program and make the most of each session.
Duration and Goals:
Our inter-religious dialogue program aims to create a lasting impact by fostering trust, understanding, and respect among youth representing different religions. Through engaging dialogue sessions and thought-provoking topics, we strive to empower participants to become agents of change within their communities. By December 2023, we envision a society that values interfaith dialogue and actively works towards eliminating religious extremism, violence, and terrorism.

Join us on this transformative journey as we embark on a bi-weekly dialogue program, facilitated by experienced religious leaders and driven young individuals. Together, we can build a society where religious harmony and understanding flourish, paving the way for a brighter future. Stay connected through our application and be part of the positive change we aim to create.


Conclusion: Embracing Diversity for a Harmonious Future
The Interfaith Dialogue Circle serves as a pivotal platform for cultivating understanding, respect, and cooperation among individuals with diverse religious backgrounds and beliefs. By engaging in open and honest communication, participants gain valuable insights into each other’s perspectives, beliefs, and practices. This profound exchange helps break down barriers, diminish stereotypes, and foster greater harmony and understanding within society.
In conclusion, the Interfaith Dialogue Circle is a transformative initiative that promotes peace, tolerance, and understanding among people of different faiths. By actively participating in respectful and meaningful dialogue, individuals can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and compassionate society, where differences are celebrated and conflicts are resolved peacefully. We urge individuals, communities, and organizations to support and actively engage in interfaith dialogue, as this is the key to building a brighter and more harmonious future for all.